How to Showcase Your Best Asset: You!

By Kristie Kennedy

Recently, I had a woman approach me extremely frustrated with her personal style. In her own opinion she felt as if her fashion reflected passivity. The first step to change is acknowledging there is always room for improvement. Most of us are familiar with the cliché, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.”  How often do we neglect our outer appearance with little regard to those we will be interacting with? We embrace a gamut of excuses in defense of our negligence, such as I was running late, I had too much to do this morning, I am exhausted, I don’t feel like going through the trouble and my favorite … I am not trying to impress anybody!

As women we are constantly evolving and our wardrobe often reflects where we are mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I avidly recall one of my mentors advising me to always dress against the grain.  What does that mean?  On those days you feel completely down in the dumps, is the perfect time to shine brighter than you ever have before. In the words of the famous Dry Idea antiperspirant commercial, “Never let ‘em see you sweat!” If you are open and willing to transform from good to great, everywhere you go people will stand at attention and take notes.

Let’s gaze at three jewels of transformation that are guaranteed to enhance your self image:

1)   Color Me Beautiful! If you are seeking to blend in by all means wear gloomy gray and boring brown. For those who are ready to live out loud, it’s time to infuse your wardrobe with radiant reds, optimistic oranges, gorgeous greens, passion purples, youthful yellows and breathtaking blues. In the crevice of every color is a powerful source of energy that will either draw or repel others. Unleash your inner color girl.

2)   Tailor Made is the Only Way! Every outfit in your closet should fit you like a glove with the exception of lounging attire.  When I’m in the dressing room, only items I feel speak and connect to my unique beauty are for keeps.  Stay away from oversized shirts they tend to make you appear unnaturally larger.  Also, on the opposite side of the spectrum avoid clothing that is too tight. If you have major trouble zones that need to be toned skin gripping garments not only affect your circulation but they reveal what should be concealed.

3)   Dress Your Best! When we look our best we send an internal message to our brain that says we deserve the best. You were born to shine, so stop living beneath the standards of greatness. I was always told excellence is in the details. You are worth the extra time it takes to create a phenomenal expression of who you are and where you are headed. On the path to success it is a must that you showcase your best self. Be bold and remember you are a magnificent design, refuse to hide.

About the Author

Kristie Kennedy, Women’s Empowerment Speaker and Small Business Coach provides simple success strategies to overcome everyday challenges, internal conflicts and confidence killers. To learn more, visit her at