We want The Savvy Gal community to get the most out of TheSavvyGal.com! With that objective in mind, we’ve stocked our store with handpicked books and items to reinforce the advice and suggestions you read on the site each week.
The Savvy Gal Store is the place to check out the latest in books, magazines, fitness tools, gadgets and more. Busy women like us know the best time management tip is to buy what you can online instead of hopping from store to store. With a premium selection and fabulous prices, The Savvy Gal store is a must-visit for every reader!
And … because you are a part of our Savvy Community, we invite you to recommend book titles and products to share with your fellow readers. If possible, we will include your suggested goods on our online store to make it easy for us all to purchase. Did you just read a great book? Do you have a fool-proof coffeemaker? How about a favorite exercise DVD? Tell us about it on our Savvy Shopping Message Board and we’ll do our best to feature it at The Savvy Gal Store.
Here is a preview below! Or — visit directly to view all the gadgets and goodies: The Savvy Gal Store