5 Tips to Help Kids Through a Move

As difficult as moving can be for adults, it can be even harder for children. Some are
simply too young to realize all their favorite toys will be coming along with them
while older kids understand a move might mean giving up friendships, sports teams
and schools they enjoy.

With the right attitude and some simple tips, it’s possible to turn a move into a fun-
filled adventure.

Keep kids in the loop

Communicate with them often about the timing of various events, such as packing
rooms, enrolling in new schools and goodbye parties. Also take time out to talk about how everyone is feeling. It can help if they understand everyone is feeling nervous yet excited at the same time.

Research your new community together

Print out a map of your new neighborhood so your kids can visualize exactly how far
museums, parks and schools are from their new digs. They may also enjoy lending a
hand in locating new doctors, dentists or veterinarians.

Help them find friends

Whatever your children love most – dancing, playing soccer, building robots or being involved in scouts – work together to find these same opportunities in the new location. It’s important for them to understand they’ll be able to take part in the same activities and find friends no matter where they live.

Stick to a routine

Although your family’s life may become chaotic closer to the move, keep children on
set schedules. They may find comfort in knowing bedtime, meals and homework will
still be at the same times. You can then use those precious moments after bedtime to
pack or tackle your to-do list.

Pack special bags for the big day

Help your children pack their own suitcases for the first couple days in the new house. They should include clothes and a toothbrush, of course, but also games, special toys and prized possessions. If the moving truck doesn’t arrive on time or something gets lost, precious items will still be there to provide security and comfort.

Find more tips for preparing for a move at eLivingtoday.com.